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The General Nursing Education is currently runs: BNSc 5 years, followed by a one year internship, ND/HND 4 Years non-terminal with concentrated Clinical experience at the end (SIWES). Each of these path ways has its own bench minimum Standard. The hospital based programme is a 3 year Programme of study in an institution approved by the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria.

Candidates for admission into the general Nursing Edcation must possess the Senior Secondary School Certificate from the west African Examination Council (WAEC) or the National Examination Council (NECO) with a minimum of five Subjects at Credit level including English Language, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics in not more than two sittings. National Business and Technical Examination Board (NABTEB) has been approved but cannot be combined with other credentials in not more than two sittings are accepted for NABTEB.

The Midwifery Department is a Programme designed for HND Students meanwhile it is a 3 – year programme for Basic Students and 18 months of Study for Post Basic Students in approved institutions of Midwifery.

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